Announcement About Past VODs Availability - Feb 2025

About Removal of Select Twitch VODs

Prior to January 2025, all #BrownieVAL livestreamed VODs on had been available in the "Highlights" section on the Twitch channel. Due to the changes in Twitch's highlighted VODs policy, some videos will no longer be available on the Twitch platform.

The compliance transition is already under way. The Twitch VODs removal phase will conclude on or after March 8th, 2025. The event website updates will be completed by March 31st, 2025.

Please note that all livestreamed VODs from #BrownieVAL are available to watch on You can access the playlist here: Click here for YouTube PlaylistΒ 

List of Removed Twitch VODs That are Available on YouTube

The following is a list of Twitch VODs that have either been removed or are scheduled to be removed, but are available to watch on YouTube in its entirety:

List of Permanently Removed VODs

The following is a list of Twitch VODs that have either been removed or are scheduled to be removed, and will not be available on other platforms as of the time of this writing:

Impact on Links on Past Events Websites

#BrownieVAL hosts an event webpage for each past event, which is available on the Events page.Β  Those pages may reference links to Twitch VODs. If a link to a Twitch VOD is a broken link, that means it has already been deleted; however, its equivalent VOD is available in the #BrownieVAL VODs playlist linked here: Click here for YouTube PlaylistΒ 

Links on this website that go directly to #BrownieVAL past VODs on Twitch that are referenced above will be updated with its YouTube counterparts by March 8th, 2025. As for the event webpages, if a "Watch" page or link exists, it will be updated by removing its Twitch link and only displaying the relevant YouTube links by March 31st, 2025.

Future Plans

After the completion of the removal of select #BrownieVAL Twitch VODs, we will be in compliance with Twitch's new VOD rules.

When there is a future event that will be livestreamed on Twitch, whether it's a #BrownieVAL event or a BrowntulStar event, it may be highlighted for preservation on Twitch. Inevitably, if the channel hits its VOD limit again, the oldest #BrownieVAL event will be deleted from Twitch to make way for the new event to be highlighted. However, since #BrownieVAL Arena (Nov 2023), #BrownieVAL has employed a VOD saving strategy where an enhanced local copy is saved alongside the Twitch VOD, which is subsequently also uploaded to YouTube. Therefore, all VODs will always be available onΒ 

You can access the #BrownieVAL VODs playlist here: Click here for YouTube PlaylistΒ 

Last Updated: February 27th, 2025